Supercharge your customer shopping experience with Browsebuddy

Empower your store with our AI shopping assistant — where smart selling meets instant support. It understands your catalog to enhance shopping experiences and provides immediate help, boosting sales and customer satisfaction effortlessly.

Install now and receive a $10 bonus directly in your account!


A shopping buddy that understands your catalog and helps Sell More Stuff on your store

Smart AI system
Intelligent catalog understanding

Our AI assistant doesn't just know your inventory; it understands it. Powered by advanced GPT algorithms, it reads between the lines to provide product recommendations that are tailored to the customer's explicit needs and implicit desires.

Easy to use
Seamless integration, effortless shopping

With a simple setup, our AI assistant becomes a natural extension of your store. It engages customers in meaningful conversations, guiding them through your catalog with personal insights, just like a seasoned sales associate

Increase sales
Enhance the shopping experience

Enjoy a shopping assistant that anticipates your needs, offers smart suggestions, and simplifies decision-making — transforming your e-commerce experience into one that is as enjoyable as it is efficient.

Get better results with AI Support


Get better results with AI Support

Simplify your customer's path to purchase with our AI shopping assistant's chat-to-checkout feature. It smartly navigates through your product catalog, offering comparisons and insights, leading customers from initial interest to final transaction.

Recreate the in-store shopping experience with our AI-powered shopping assistant. Acting as a digital sales associate, it offers personalized guidance and product recommendations, making online shopping as interactive and customer-friendly as a visit to your favorite store.

Using advanced analytics, our AI shopping assistant dives deep into customer behavior and preferences to suggest the perfect products. It's like having a personal shopper in your pocket, attuned to each customer's unique needs and ready to match them with their ideal purchase.

AI-powered search engines can process and analyze vast amounts of data to provide accurate and context-aware search results

Our AI assistant serves as a first response unit, delivering real-time solutions to customer inquiries. It minimizes wait times and maximizes satisfaction by providing immediate answers to common questions.

Break down language barriers with our multilingual AI assistant. It understands and communicates in multiple languages, ensuring that all customers, regardless of their native tongue, receive the help and support they need in the language they're most comfortable with.

Smart Checkout Companion
Digital Sales Associate
Insightful Product Matchmaker
AI-Powered Search
Real-Time Resolution Center
Multilingual Support Maestro
Install now and receive a $10 bonus directly in your account!

Smart seller for your e-commerce powered by advanced GPT algorithms

Results in numbers

Smart seller for your e-commerce powered by advanced GPT algorithms

With Browsebuddy
Without Browsebuddy
Add to cart rate
Conversion rate
Average order value

Our transparent pricing model ensures affordability and scalability for all businesses


Install our widget now and receive a $10 bonus!

Start engaging with your customers on a new level today!

What our clients say

This widget has transformed our customer support experience! The AI-powered chat is incredibly responsive and intuitive. Our customers love the quick and helpful responses, and it has significantly reduced our support ticket backlog.
John Adams
This widget has transformed our customer support experience! The AI-powered chat is incredibly responsive and intuitive. Our customers love the quick and helpful responses, and it has significantly reduced our support ticket backlog.
John Adams
This widget has transformed our customer support experience! The AI-powered chat is incredibly responsive and intuitive. Our customers love the quick and helpful responses, and it has significantly reduced our support ticket backlog.
John Adams
This widget has transformed our customer support experience! The AI-powered chat is incredibly responsive and intuitive. Our customers love the quick and helpful responses, and it has significantly reduced our support ticket backlog.
John Adams